
Septembar 2 ispitni rok

Septembar 2 ispitni rok

Septembar 2 ispitni rok biće održan od 09. septembra do 21. septembara 2024. godine. Prijava ispita počinje 30. avgusta 2024. godine.

U Septembar 2 ispitnom roku, ispite mogu prijavljivati studenti koji su definisali svoj status studiranja, odnosno upisali akademsku 2023/2024 godinu.

Studenti u Septembar 2 ispitom roku mogu prijaviti sve predmete koje su pratili tokom školske 2023/24. godine, kao i prenete predmete iz predhodne školske godine.

Rasporedi ispita će biti objavljeni u sekciji Studenti -> Rasporedi -> Raspored ispitnih rokova.

Uplata za prijavu ispita treba da se izvrši najkasnije 10 dana pre održavanja ispita.

Rok za prvu prijavu ispita po redovnoj ceni od 500 dinara je moguća 5 dana pre održavanja ispita do 14h (ne računajući dan održavanja ispita).

Rok za drugu i svaku narednu prijavu istog predmeta po redovnoj ceni od 2000 dinara je moguća 5 dana pre održavanja ispita do 14h (ne računajući dan održavanja ispita).

Studenti samostalno mogu izvršiti uvid u broj predhodno realizovanih prijava za svaki pojedinačni predmet preko svog Estudent naloga, opcija "Prijava ispita" i zatim kolona "Broj prijava".

Prijava ispita vrši se preko portala estudent.singidunum.ac.rs.

Nakon isteka roka za redovnu prijavu ispita ispit se može prijaviti po ceni naknadne prijave od 5.000 dinara za 1 ispit, najkasnije 1 dan pre održavanja ispita do 14.00. Naknadna prijava se realizuje isključivo slanjem mejla sa studentske singimejl adrese na estudent|mmnkk|singidunum.ac.rs. U mejlu treba navesti ime, prezime, broj indeksa i predmete za prijavu. Ispit se ne može prijaviti na dan održavanja ispita.

Uputstvo za prijavu ispita nalazi se na sledećem LINKU.

Uslov za prijavu ispita je izmirena školarina za školsku 2023/24. godinu prema Ugovoru o studiranju tj. definisanoj dinamici otplate.

VAŽNO / Molimo Vas da na sve uplate ka Univerzitetu u poziv na broj unosite Vaš broj indeksa u formi godina upisa zatim broj indeksa, bez razmaka i znakova interpunkcije, (PRIMER 2020123456)

Brojevi tekućih računa za prijavu ispita:


Ispitni rok Septembar 2 je poslednji ispitni rok u tekućoj akademskoj 2023/24 godini


September 2 exam term

September 2 exam term will be held from September 9th up to September 21st, 2024. Registration for the exams begins on August 30th, 2024.

In September 2 exam term, students who have defined their study status, i.e., enrolled the academic year 2023/2024, can apply for the exams.

In the September 2 exam period, students can register all courses attended in the academic 2023/24, as well as all the other courses attended in the previous school year.

Exam schedules will be published in the section Students -> Schedules -> Schedule of exam terms.

Payment for exam registration should be made no later than 10 days before the exam.

The deadline for the first application for the exam at the regular price of 500 dinars is possible 5 days before the exam until 2 pm (not counting the day of the exam).

The deadline for the second and every subsequent application for the same subject at the regular price of 2000 dinars is possible 5 days before the exam until 2 p.m. (not counting the day of the exam).

Students can independently view the number of previously completed applications for each individual subject via their Estudent account, the option "Exam registration" and then the "Number of applications" column.

Registration for the exam is done through the portal estudent.

After the expiration of the deadline for regular exam registration, the exam can be registered at the price of subsequent registration of 5,000 dinars for 1 exam, no later than 1 day before the exam until 2PM. Subsequent application is realized exclusively by sending an email to estudent|mmnkk|singidunum.ac.rs. The exam cannot be registered on the day of the exam.

Instructions for applying for the exam can be found at the following LINK

The condition for registering exams is the paid tuition fee for the school year 2023/24 according to the Study Agreement, i.e.. defined payment dynamics.

IMPORTANT / Please enter your index number on all payments to the University as a reference number. The entrance should be made in the following form- year of enrollment then the index number, without spaces and punctuation marks, (EXAMPLE 2020123456)

Bank accounts for exam registration:


Exam term September 2 is the last exam term in the academic 2023/24.

Univerzitet Singidunum © 2025